k_Street Consulting, LLC Blog

k_Street Consulting, LLC has been serving the Washington area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Does the Google Search Engine Work?

How Does the Google Search Engine Work?

Google Search is a cornerstone of the internet, used by billions of people daily to find information quickly and efficiently. But have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes when you type a query into Google and hit "search"? Let's dive into the intricate process that powers the world's most popular search engine.

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How Faster Internet Speeds Can Improve Your Business

How Faster Internet Speeds Can Improve Your Business

The past several years have brought about dramatic increases in internet speeds, further fueling online activity and allowing businesses to innovate in all kinds of ways. Here are five of the best benefits that these increased Internet speeds have brought about for small and medium-sized businesses.

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Three of the Best Use Cases of Augmented Reality

Three of the Best Use Cases of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is one of the more intriguing technologies that have come along in recent years, and businesses have begun to use it in pretty interesting ways. In today’s blog, we thought we’d go through three of the most popular and effective use cases of AR and the effect it can have on your business. 

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Cyber Censorship is a Complicated Issue

Cyber Censorship is a Complicated Issue

The web is filled with all types of content, and depending on where you live, it can be regulated by a myriad of organizations from all sections of society. From internationally recognized trade organizations to governments to industry regulators, there are a lot of moving parts in data regulation as it now stands. That leads to people wanting more control over data and censorship. Let’s take a look at cyber censorship and how it's a bigger issue than you might think.

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What’s the Next Big Technological Leap Forward?

What’s the Next Big Technological Leap Forward?

Technology is one part of today’s business world that is known for its rapid rate of growth and innovation. In times when the future is uncertain, you can know with certainty that technology will continue to grow and address the pain points of tomorrow’s companies. That said, let’s take a look back to the past and see if we can make some educated guesses as to what the future holds.

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Ask a Tech: FAQs on Bandwidth

Ask a Tech: FAQs on Bandwidth

The word “bandwidth” is thrown around a lot in business technology, but what does it really mean? Today, we wanted to cover some of the frequently asked questions business owners have about network bandwidth and what it specifically means for business technology infrastructures and data management as a whole.

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The IIoT and How It Is Transforming Large-Scale Industry

The IIoT and How It Is Transforming Large-Scale Industry

Businesses have been starting to embrace the Internet of Things (IoT) for quite some time now as they can see the benefit of using devices to streamline parts of their business processes that may not be actively engaging. There is another growing trend in the space that is more sophisticated and could be one of the most transformative technologies in the near future, this is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This month, we discuss what the IIoT is and how it can be used by certain companies to massive benefit. 

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Discussing the Modern Search Engine, Part 2

Discussing the Modern Search Engine, Part 2

In our last article, we started to tell you about the search engine and outlined Google's complete predominance of the space. This time around, we will take a closer look at a couple of other search engines that you may or may not have heard of, and how they stack up to Google Search.

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Discussing the Modern Search Engine, Part 1

Discussing the Modern Search Engine, Part 1

Google is a tool that everyone uses to varying degrees, but the reality is that Google is but one search engine. There are others out there, and while they perform similar functions, there is a reason why Google is synonymous with web browsing. Let’s take a look at why Google is so popular, as well as how it works to give you the best search results.

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What’s Messing with Your Wi-Fi? A Few Things May be Responsible

What’s Messing with Your Wi-Fi? A Few Things May be Responsible

Wireless connectivity is a staple in modern business, which makes it all the more frustrating when you experience challenges connecting your devices to your business’ Wi-Fi. To help remedy this, we’ve composed a brief list of possible fixes to your Wi-Fi worries.

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What Are Browser Cookies, Anyways?

What Are Browser Cookies, Anyways?

What do a bakery and a web browser have in common? Both have cookies—but, what are browser cookies, and what do they do? Let’s take a few moments to explore the concept of the browser cookie and what their function is.

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What is It that Impacts the Quality of Your Internet Connection?

What is It that Impacts the Quality of Your Internet Connection?

For something as fundamental to a business’ processes as its Internet connectivity, it can be challenging to determine how reliable and fast your Internet connection is. We wanted to review the different factors that would impact the connectivity that your business gets.

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Is Wi-Fi Fast Enough to Support Your Business?

Is Wi-Fi Fast Enough to Support Your Business?

It hasn’t been too long since connectivity required an actual physical connection between the connecting endpoints, making a wired connection the de-facto option for businesses. However, now that wireless connectivity is so widely available, businesses now have a choice… but which is the better option? Let’s compare some of the pros of each to make the answer a little clearer.

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Tip of the Week: Placing Your Router in the Ideal Spot

Tip of the Week: Placing Your Router in the Ideal Spot

Whether in the home or office, getting work done nowadays is very reliant on a reliable Wi-Fi signal. This makes it important to have your router placed in the right spot. Let's go over a few best practices so that you can set up your router in a place where it does you the most good.

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Browser Privacy Settings that You Should Know

Browser Privacy Settings that You Should Know

You’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely on the Internet in some way, and everyone uses web browsers as a method of interfacing with the Internet. These browsers, however, are not necessarily the most secure applications by default. With some adjustments to the features, you too can optimize security and privacy when using your preferred web browser.

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The Correct Wi-Fi Setup Can Really Enhance Your Business

The Correct Wi-Fi Setup Can Really Enhance Your Business

Just about all modern businesses rely on the Internet—especially the wireless kind—for at least part of their day-to-day operations. This means that there is a direct correlation between the strength and speed of their connection and the amount of productivity they can experience as a result of this connection. As your business grows, it is incredibly important to think about your Wi-Fi setup and how you can support its continued growth. Let’s go over the process for properly scaling your wireless network to accommodate its growth.

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What the Recent Internet Outage Tells Us About Its Potential Vulnerability

What the Recent Internet Outage Tells Us About Its Potential Vulnerability

Over the week of June 14, a lot of applications and websites experienced outages, creating problems for many companies until it was resolved. Not only did these outages create business continuity issues, they’ve also exposed just how vulnerable the Internet is to these kinds of issues. Let’s take a look at what happened.

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Look How Much the Internet has Changed

Look How Much the Internet has Changed

When the Internet was established, it was a marvel. Now people could move information across the world in a matter of seconds. This is why the term “world wide web” was coined. Nowadays, there are literally billions of users on the Internet and the rules have had to be changed. This has some online services in conflict with government regulations and has an impact on how users are able to use the Internet. Let’s look at a couple of examples. 

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Examining the FCC’s Efforts to Fix Internet Access in the US

Examining the FCC’s Efforts to Fix Internet Access in the US

Internet connectivity is an increasingly important component to a business’ capabilities in this day and age, as well as all the more crucial to an individual’s everyday life. However, with financial difficulties restricting this access for many, the Federal Communications Commission has stepped in. With a $50 subsidy being made available to low-income homes each month, this situation warrants a closer look.

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Net Neutrality and the Digital Future

Net Neutrality and the Digital Future

In the United States, the political atmosphere in 2020 was extremely testy and one element that we typically keep our eyes on is the net neutrality rules that seem to change every few years or so. Today, we thought we’d revisit the issue and tell you what to expect over the first few months of the new administration. 

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Tip of the Week: Making Use of Chrome Actions

Tip of the Week: Making Use of Chrome Actions

As the most common Internet browser, Google Chrome is in a position where they always need to be coming up with new draws to maintain their hold on the market. Their latest efforts may help them to do so. Let’s take a moment and examine what Chrome is implementing, and how you can use it to your advantage.

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CAPTCHA and Its Many Challenges

CAPTCHA and Its Many Challenges

We’re all familiar to some degree with the security measure known as CAPTCHA. You know the one—you usually see it when filling out forms or logging into sites online, where you have to prove that you’re a human being by identifying which of a variety of images fit a certain description. You may have noticed that these tests have gotten far more difficult over time. This is because, predictably, computers are getting better at beating them.

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Tip of the Week: Specifying Your Google Queries

Tip of the Week: Specifying Your Google Queries

Searching for something on Google seems stunningly self-explanatory: type in what you’re looking for, press Enter, and like magic, it appears. However, there is a lot more that you can do, if you know how to use Google’s full capabilities. Let’s go over how these capabilities can be harnessed to your advantage as you perform your next search.

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The State of the Internet in a Pandemic

The State of the Internet in a Pandemic

Millions of Americans are suddenly working from home. Students are now learning online. We’re all surviving the quarantine by binge watching our favorite shows on Netflix and Zooming with our friends and family. How does this bode for the Internet, and security in general? Let’s discuss some recent findings.

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Considerations for Your Business Networking Setup

Considerations for Your Business Networking Setup

A business’ network is one of its key assets, which means that it is particularly important that yours is well-developed and planned. Here, we’ll go over a few basics and best practices for you to familiarize yourself with for when you need to reconsider your business network.

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Will 5G Change Wi-Fi as We Know It?

Will 5G Change Wi-Fi as We Know It?

The average person’s mobile plan comes with a data cap. It’s for this reason the Wi-Fi hotspot is looked on as an essential tool, especially with so much content available nowadays. With 5G on the horizon, some reports have suggested that Wi-Fi will be phased out by ubiquitous wireless Internet access. Turns out, in the immediate future, the Wi-Fi hotspot isn’t going anywhere.

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Tip of the Week: Fixing a Slow Internet Connection

Tip of the Week: Fixing a Slow Internet Connection

The modern business uses IT in so many ways that aim to make a business move faster, be more efficient, and ultimately, produce more than it would have without that technology. Each of these technologies are powerful in their own right, but they depend on two variables: electricity and a reliably fast Internet connection. When your Internet connection isn’t doing your business any favors, you need to look into why you aren’t getting the network speeds you are paying for. After all, your business depends on it. Today, we will take a look at a few ways you can go about troubleshooting a slow Internet connection.

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Pros and Cons of Leaning on a Wireless Network

Pros and Cons of Leaning on a Wireless Network

The way your business accesses data is changing. Just a few years ago, you couldn’t imagine that you would have a comprehensive strategy to keep data secure when sending and receiving it wirelessly, but today wireless transmission methods have become more secure, reliable, and fast. Today, we’ll take a look at the difference between wired and wireless connections in the modern business.

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Taking a Long Look at Your Company’s Bandwidth Needs

Taking a Long Look at Your Company’s Bandwidth Needs

The Internet has expanded people’s ability to do business, and with it has spurred on a series of innovations that have effectively changed the world. With today’s businesses almost assuredly spending on at least one cloud-based solution, and with mobility eking into almost every business in one form or another, the demand for more bandwidth is something most businesses are wrangling with. Today, we’ll describe what having enough bandwidth means.

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URL Manipulation and What to Do About It


Most people know what a URL is. It’s the address of a website, typically starting with http:// or https://, and it is essentially the location of a web page or application that can be accessed through a web browser or application. Nowadays, URLs are being manipulated by actors for both positive and negative means. Let’s take a look at URL manipulation and how it could affect you.

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Looking Back at ARPANET

Looking Back at ARPANET

I don’t think we’re going too far out on a limb when we say that the Internet is one of the most amazing inventions ever concocted by humans. 50 years ago, the precursor to the Internet, ARPANET was launched by the U.S. Department of Defense at four west coast universities, changing the way people shared data forever. Let’s take a look at ARPANET and how it grew into the Internet we all use constantly today.

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What Does Internet Rights Advocacy Mean?

What Does Internet Rights Advocacy Mean?

The Internet is a vast and amazing place. Some have even argued that it is one of people’s best-ever inventions. Some would push it further by actively attempting to outline what rights an Internet user has. Advocacy groups have been popping up, and while it has had a marked effect on public policy in more progressive nations, some nations look on these groups with disdain. Today we will take you through human rights advocacy on the Internet, and what to expect going forward.

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ISPs Have Finally Started Rolling Out 5G

ISPs Have Finally Started Rolling Out 5G

If there is one thing that we all know about 5G it is that it’s coming? It’s been coming for years. For a decade, the next biggest thing has been 5G. We’ve routinely heard statements like “When we get 5G…” Many of which came from people that had no idea what the “G” in 5G even means (It literally stands for “generation”). Today, we’ll separate the facts from the fiction to get you up to speed on 5G.

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Tip of the Week: Bandwidth Questions

Tip of the Week: Bandwidth Questions

Consider the following question: is your business’ Internet connection feeling a bit sluggish lately? If you haven’t examined your bandwidth since you started your business, then there’s a chance that you aren’t being as productive as you could be if you took a closer look at it. We’ll discuss some ways you can make the most of your IT solutions with proper bandwidth.

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Colleges Have a Lot of Data to Protect

Colleges Have a Lot of Data to Protect

Colleges and universities are part-time homes to more than 16 million people, and employ over 1.5 million more. Most of them utilize the networks set up by the college’s bevy of IT administrators. If you consider that most people have difficulty keeping viruses and other malware off of their personal computers, opening up networks that facilitate this kind of user demand can be tricky. Today, we ask: can a campus’ network every truly be secure?

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Updating the Whole Net Neutrality Situation

Updating the Whole Net Neutrality Situation

Net Neutrality in the United States has been a hot-button issue for almost anyone that uses the Internet. 2018 saw the 2005 principles governing the preservation of an open Internet repealed completely, leaving control over the Internet in the hands of huge companies that deliver Internet services to people. Today, we’ll go back over Net Neutrality and provide an update of what has happened since the Federal Communications Commission repeal of net neutrality laws.

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The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Internet

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Internet

Anyone that has spent any time online recently is sure to have come across something they’ve perceived as deplorable. For all the good that it does, some of the most divisive of human interaction happens on the web. Since it really depends on your perspective just how much negativity you take from the Internet, we’ll go through the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Internet to put into perspective just how it affects our lives.

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Which Browser is Best for Your Needs?

Which Browser is Best for Your Needs?

There are a variety of web browsers out there, and that variety is much larger than most people think. While most can list off the main ones: Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox, there are many more to consider. However, the real question remains: which one is best for you?

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The “S” in HTTPS is More Important Than You May Think

The “S” in HTTPS is More Important Than You May Think

It would be an understatement to say that security, particularly encryption, is important while browsing the web. Though it was only recently that encryption became a major pain point for government regulation, encryption has been around for a very long time. The average user can get a taste of online encryption through the average website security certificate.

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Tip of the Week: Resolve a Poor Internet Connection By Following These 3 Steps

Tip of the Week: Resolve a Poor Internet Connection By Following These 3 Steps

When the Internet goes down in the modern office, chaos ensues. The only way to subdue the panicked masses is to provide answers and to resolve the issue, ASAP. If you happen to find yourself in such an Internet-less predicament, then be sure to follow these three troubleshooting tips.

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How the Convenience of The Internet of Things Can Come Back to Bite Us

How the Convenience of The Internet of Things Can Come Back to Bite Us

While the Internet of Things has made many common tasks much easier through automation, it has also increased the potency of particular cybersecurity threats. For an excellent example, one only has to turn to the increasing prevalence of botnets that are powered by IoT technology.

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Tech Term: Modems and Routers Defined

Tech Term: Modems and Routers Defined

The Internet is an amazing tool, only bolstered by our ability to access it wirelessly - but what do you know about the devices that allow us to access it, namely, modems and routers? Do you know what each does? For today’s tech term, we’ll dive into exactly that.

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Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Chances are, if you’ve spent any amount of time around a computer, you’ve heard of browser cookies. What you may not have heard, is what these cookies do. For today’s Tech Term, we’ll explore what cookies are, and what they do.

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Tech Term: Bandwidth

Tech Term: Bandwidth

Here’s a question we want you to take a second to consider...How much do you rely on the Internet? The answer for almost everyone is that it is essential to your current quality of life. Technologies have been developed, industries have been launched, and literally billions of people use it every day, making it one of the predominant inventions in human history. At the heart of this phenomenal technology is bandwidth.

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Technology Addiction is a Very Real, Very Scary Thing

Technology Addiction is a Very Real, Very Scary Thing

Technology has become essential to workplace functionality and personal productivity, but while the long hours spent glued to our tech during the workday are a necessity, the time we spend at home with our personal devices is definitely voluntary. However, more and more people - children especially - are finding it harder to let their devices power down.

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Know Your Tech: Proxy Server

Know Your Tech: Proxy Server

Your server room may be somewhat intimidating to consider. Wires everywhere, mechanical boxes that just sit there, lights blinking intermittently, and the distinct feeling that you probably shouldn’t touch anything - not even a proxy server, whatever that is. However, to help you get to know your tech, the proxy server is exactly what we discuss below!

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What Exactly is Protecting Your Online Transactions?

What Exactly is Protecting Your Online Transactions?

So, like millions of others, you’ve taken to making purchases and paying your bills online. The speed of delivery, the ease, and the convenience are truly remarkable considering where we were just a couple short decades ago. But, have you ever considered what exactly makes up the technology that protects your personal information--and your money--from theft while operating on the Internet? We’ll take a short look at the technology that is constantly working to protect your Internet transactions.

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The Internet Dramatically Changed the Publishing Industry. What About Your Field of Expertise?

The Internet Dramatically Changed the Publishing Industry. What About Your Field of Expertise?

It’s well-known that publishers are a major component of an author sharing their work with the world, but recent innovations threaten to disrupt the status quo of the industry. Like many industries, the publishing industry has been changed significantly by the introduction of new technologies that afford writers more liberty when producing their work. What can the business owner learn from these changes?

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If Your Network is in the Cloud, What Do You Do with No Internet?

If Your Network is in the Cloud, What Do You Do with No Internet?

Thanks to the advancements of virtualization and cloud computing, many businesses are hosting key parts of their IT infrastructure off-site. While this move is great for mobility and productivity, it makes operations extremely dependant upon a working Internet connection. If this scenario describes your organization, what’s your plan to stay productive should your Internet connection fail?

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In the Midst of Chaotic Financial Markets, Technology Remains a Constant

b2ap3_thumbnail_history_of_it_in_finance_400.jpgNot that long ago, the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange was filled with business-tie clad gladiators, climbing over each other in what looked like a capitalism-induced mosh pit. The Open Outcry pit had its language, its own weather, its own smell. Nowadays, these pits are more subdued. They still are populated with people, and some are gesturing to buy and sell, but most of the transactions are done digitally. It is this role where the computer has changed the way financial markets work; from the ground up.

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3 Ways the Internet is Changing Things, for Better AND for Worse

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_pros_cons_400.jpgWe’ve all become so adapted to the conveniences of the Internet that it’s difficult to remember what society was like before it. This becomes especially obvious when watching old movies. How odd is it to see characters do pre-Internet activities like go to the library to research information and use a phone book? These are just some of the ways that the Internet has dramatically changed society, for better and perhaps for worse.

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Do You Use Steam for PC Gaming? Watch Out for this New Malware!

b2ap3_thumbnail_steam_malware_problems_400.jpgMalware has traditionally targeted industries that are exceptionally profitable. For example, hackers like to target retailers for their wealth of financial credentials. One of the most profitable industries, entertainment, is also subject to similar torment, including Steam, the PC gamer’s most valuable tool for gaming binges.

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Google Fiber and the Race to Provide Consumers With the Fastest Internet Possible

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_fiber_400.jpgYour business relies on a steady Internet connection to maintain operations. The inner workings of your cabling infrastructure are what ensure that you constantly have access to both online and offline networks for your organization. Most businesses utilize the services of major cable companies like Time Warner Cable and Comcast to facilitate this need, but some cities around the United States have access to another option: Google Fiber.

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Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon, Which Video Service Makes the Best Gift?

b2ap3_thumbnail_streaming_media_400.jpgSometimes it’s a pain trying to figure out what you’ll be getting your loved ones during the holiday season. Thankfully, there are some relatively fail-safe options for those who love entertainment, like watching television or going to the movies. A subscription to the right video-streaming service might be able to help you save a trip to your local department store and all of the madness that comes with it.

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How Do Virtual Private Networks Help Your Business Initiatives?

b2ap3_thumbnail_use_a_safe_vpn_400.jpgWhen it comes to connecting to your business’s network, remote workers have a lot more problems to deal with. There’s significant concern over the security of data that’s accessed across an insecure Internet connection, which could unnecessarily put your business’s data at risk. Therefore, it’s critical that your business has a solution to this predicament, like a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

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How Fishing Nets May Be the Greatest Security Threat to the Internet [Video]

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_under_the_sea_400.jpgMany countries around the world have access to the Internet, but have you stopped to consider how this service is deployed and connected to countries on different continents? Well, this is only made possible by the countless miles of wire laid beneath the surface of the ocean, all around the world. In fact, it’s somewhat unnerving to think that international communications depend on the structural integrity of cables submerged at the bottom of the sea.

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We Bet that You Can’t Read Every Word of This Article [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_scatterbrain_400.jpgThe Internet is full of challenges. YouTube has a multitude of annoying 10 hour-long videos of irritating noises and sounds alone. But, this CollegeHumor video might just top them all. It challenges its viewers to finish a three-minute video, and to make it worse, the video is boring.

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Improve Content Filtering with Google Chrome’s Safe Browsing Feature

b2ap3_thumbnail_chrome_safe_browsing_400.jpgMalware often takes the form of certain unrecognizable web entities, which can make detecting threats tricky at times. New features in popular web browsers, most notably Google Chrome, are making progress toward identifying these threats before they cause your business harm. Chrome’s “Safe Browsing” feature is a good tool to augment your current network security practices.

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Search Engine Wars: Protect Yourself From Malicious Websites

b2ap3_thumbnail_search_security_400.jpgWhile most search engines are pretty good at weeding out malicious sites and not displaying them, some are better than others. According to AV-Test, a German independent testing lab, the top search engines, Bing and Google, are miles apart in terms of secure searching.

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3 Common Ways to Improve WiFi Performance and Streamline Troubleshooting

b2ap3_thumbnail_wifi_for_your_business_400.jpgWiFi connections are more important today than they’ve ever been before, especially in the modern office. The performance and capabilities of WiFi have improved exponentially within the past few years, allowing businesses the added luxury of using wireless technology in the office. Unfortunately, the more access points for your network, the more effort that’s needed to keep it up-to-date and maintained.

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Tip of the Week: How to Protect Yourself While Shopping Online

b2ap3_thumbnail_protection_for_shopping_online_400.jpgEverybody loves a good holiday, and this season is the perfect time to buy a tech lover a great new gift. However, it’s important to always practice proper security precautions. All it takes is one slip-up to hand over personal information or even your identity to a hacker. It’s imperative that you follow proper security protocol when dealing with online shopping, especially if it’s for your business.

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Is It Possible to Defy the Laws of Email and Unsend Your Message?

b2ap3_thumbnail_pluto_mail_400.jpgThere are some things in this world we can’t take back, and one of those things is what you say in an email. Anyone who has made a mistake, such as misspelling the recipient’s name, or saying something downright unsavory or condescending, wishes they could go back in time and save themselves the humiliation. Now, thanks to an upcoming initiative called Pluto Mail, the time machine might arrive a little early.

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Darkcoin: Bitcoin’s Anonymous, Sketchy Brother

b2ap3_thumbnail_darkcoin_online_currency_400.jpgCryptocurrency is a concept that goes from somewhat useful (Bitcoin) to just plain weird (Dogecoin), and now it goes a step further with the anonymous new cryptocurrency called Darkcoin. It acts similarly to Bitcoin, but its primary selling point is that Darkcoin is completely anonymous and difficult to trace.

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Technology, the Bane of Productivity: Distractions at Every Turn

b2ap3_thumbnail_distracted_at_work_400.jpgTechnology is a wondrous thing, capable of granting our every wish with a simple query… well, sort of. It depends on how you use it. Today’s technology is capable of expanding our productivity through the roof, or sending it to live in squalor deep in the gutters of the Internet. What can your company do to take advantage of this wondrous innovation, and avoid the pitfalls of wasteful distractions?

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Will the Internet of Things Grow More Deadly in the Future?

b2ap3_thumbnail_can_internet_of_things_kill_400.jpgThe Internet of Things is on its way, and more devices are connecting to the Internet than ever before. Unfortunately, this also means that more devices are vulnerable to the threats that cybercrime poses. Some professionals believe that, despite the obvious benefits that the Internet of Things provides (i.e. big data analytics) some cyber criminals might turn to more nefarious schemes.

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How One Business Owner is Fighting Yelp in the Most Unconventional Way Possible

b2ap3_thumbnail_are_review_sites_good_400.jpgOne California restaurant owner has recently taken on an interesting marketing strategy that goes against all conventional wisdom. Co-owner David Cerretini of the Italian restaurant Botto Bistro tells his strategy to USA Today, "I want to be the worst restaurant in the San Francisco area!" Strangely enough, his approach seems to be working.

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What a Software Licensing Nightmare Scenario Looks Like

b2ap3_thumbnail_licensed_software_400.jpgWhat's the licensing status of your company's software look like? If you've not been intentional about this, then your business may be using several unlicensed applications. You may be thinking, "Everything works fine. No big deal." Sure, it's no big deal--until you're caught!

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Europe’s Great Debate: The Right to Be Forgotten

b2ap3_thumbnail_do_you_have_the_right_to_be_forgotten_400.jpgOne of the hot topics in recent news is a concept in European courts about the "right to be forgotten." The ruling, passed in May 2014, suggests that search engines must consider requests for removal of content that is, according to ZDNet, "inadequate, irrelevant, or no longer relevant." In some circles, this ruling is seen as controversial.

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The Challenges of Keeping Up with Big Data

b2ap3_thumbnail_control_big_data_400.jpgWe're living smack dab in the middle of the data age. In fact, 90% of the world's data was generated last year. New devices and systems create crazy amounts of data, and every byte must be processed, stored, and catalogued in such a way that it can be easily retrieved from any device, anywhere. The IT industry refers to this as "Big Data," and how your business manages its data will determine your success in this new age.

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The Internet of Things Could Cause More Harm Than Good

b2ap3_thumbnail_connectivity_or_hype_400.jpgWhether you like it or not, the Internet of Things is fast-approaching. Some experts have raised concerns about the phenomenon, and they feel that the world isn't ready for it. According to the Pew Research Center, the Internet of Things might bring about the violation of our most basic human rights, and who knows what else.

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What is the Future for Net Neutrality?

b2ap3_thumbnail_net_neutrality_no_monopoly_400.jpgThe issue of net neutrality is a hot topic in the United States, but not many people actually know what it is and how it affects their day-to-day routine. This is certainly an important topic that shouldn't be ignored, as it might very well affect all end users.

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Eugene Goostman Program Supposedly Passes Turing Test

b2ap3_thumbnail_will_there_be_ai_400.jpgArtificial intelligence might not be a thing yet, but according to the results of a recent Turing test, it might very well be on its way toward becoming reality. A Russian team has put together a computer program named Eugene Goostman that may (or may not) be the first program to pass a Turing test.

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Dogecoin Hacked! Such Loss.

b2ap3_thumbnail_docecoin_wow_400.jpgDoge, the Internet meme of a grammatically-challenged Shiba Inu dog that prefers comic sans, is so popular that it has its own online currency called Dogecoin. The fact that Dogecoin exists may be news to you, but it's also news that Dogecoin is temporarily stopping its service after its database (the Doge Vault) was hacked.

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Intranet – Did You Mean “Internet”?

b2ap3_thumbnail_intranet_400.jpgIt's hard to tell the difference between the words Internet and intranet. What difference do two letters make, anyway? You'd be surprised to find out that it means everything when trying to pinpoint your internal marketing strategies. Linguistics offers the key to understanding the differences between the two words.

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Shouldn’t Everybody Be on the Internet? Yes!

b2ap3_thumbnail_everyone_business_internet_400.jpgAlmost 20 years ago, a class of fifth grade students from Helena, Montana produced a PSA video about the future-changing possibilities of the Internet. When this PSA was shot in 1995, only 0.4% of the world's current population (16 million people) used the Internet. Now, almost 39% of the world is online, making this video scary accurate!

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What’s an Internet-Addicted Person to Do?

b2ap3_thumbnail_surfing_at_work_400.jpgSometimes it's okay to waste time surfing the Internet, like when you're unwinding at home after a long day at the office. However, wasting time with mindless Internet browsing can become a problem when it cuts into your work day and makes you less productive.

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Where Did Internet Spam Come From?

b2ap3_thumbnail_spammy400.jpgSpam in your email inbox is extremely annoying. Email spam is always an eyesore, and swallows up valuable time wasted on sifting through your inbox. Have you ever wondered how email spam got its name? You may be surprised to find the answer. Here's a hint: it has something to do with Vikings, a diner, canned meat, and a British comedy.

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Protect Your Critical Data with VPN

b2ap3_thumbnail_vpnet400.jpgWhen getting work done on the Internet, users are faced with a slew of threats that could hack sensitive company and personal data. Integrating a VPN solution may be your best option in securing your company network and files from online attacks. What is VPN, and why should your company be using it?

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