k_Street Consulting, LLC Blog

k_Street Consulting, LLC has been serving the Washington area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Use Technology to Boost Customer Confidence

Use Technology to Boost Customer Confidence

When it comes to running a successful business, customer confidence is everything. It can make or break your business’ reputation. If you’re too reckless with your customers, why would anyone else be willing to sign on with you? Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can build customer confidence, and technology plays a pivotal role in many of them. Today, we want to explore how you can build customer confidence through the use of business technology solutions.

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Improving Collaboration Can Pay Big Dividends

Improving Collaboration Can Pay Big Dividends

Effective teamwork is indispensable for business success. Collaboration stands out as an extremely important consideration, yet devising a strategy that expedites project completion and enhances service delivery poses challenges. This week, we get into modern collaboration practices and how technology can help you improve collaboration.

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Bring Your Conference Room Up to Speed

Bring Your Conference Room Up to Speed

It’s likely that the conference room holds significant importance for your business, serving as a reflection of the way your organization functions. It becomes crucial to ensure that your conference room creates the right impressions, especially if you tend to invite clients and prospects into your office. Let's explore ways to enhance your conference room and make it the best it can be.

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The Insane Lengths that Cybercriminals and Con Artists Will Go to Scam You

The Insane Lengths that Cybercriminals and Con Artists Will Go to Scam You

Viruses and malware are bad. Ransomware is crippling. Data breaches in some cases can more or less shut down a business. We talk about these threats all the time, but for most people, they are just scary-sounding buzzwords. Today, we want to talk about the more personalized threats that are much more cunning, and in some ways, much more dangerous.

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4 Common Collaboration Security Mistakes (and How to Address Them)

4 Common Collaboration Security Mistakes (and How to Address Them)

The right collaboration tools can be game-changing for business, but only if they are appropriately configured and integrated with intention into your infrastructure. Today, we are bringing you four common mistakes that businesses make with their collaboration tool security that could hold you back from getting the most from our solutions.

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How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

How to Use Technology to Bring In (and Retain) Talented Employees

As helpful as technology is to optimizing what your business can accomplish, this kind of optimization relies equally on the people you have working there as well. This starts with hiring the right people, which means you first have to attract the right people. Let’s talk about how your business’ IT can help to make your business more appealing to talented potential applicants.

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Tools of Business Collaboration

Tools of Business Collaboration

For the average business, communication is important, but it may just be viewed as a tool to conduct business. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that not only facilitate direct communications, they are fashioned in a way that promotes collaborative endeavors. Let’s go through some of the most noteworthy tools.

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Improve Your Communication with These 4 Tips

Improve Your Communication with These 4 Tips

To sustain any type of relationship, there needs to be some open and clear communication. The worse communication is between two parties the more inefficiency there will be. Obviously, inefficiency can lead to disaster for any organization that depends on consistency so this month we thought we’d give you four ways to improve communication throughout your organization.

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VoIP is a Great Choice for Businesses

VoIP is a Great Choice for Businesses

Few parts of your technology infrastructure will have such a profound impact on your operations as your communications systems. Whether it’s your email or your phone systems, you’re bound to use them on a daily basis, and you’ll feel a significant deficit in your operations without them. Today we want to look at one particular solution and ask if it’s right for you (hint: it is): Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP.

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4 Useful Video Conferencing Etiquette Tips

4 Useful Video Conferencing Etiquette Tips

For the remote worker, video conferencing is an essential tool. Regardless if you are a veteran of using video conferencing or if you are a new remote worker, there are some tips that can help you be a more effective member of a remote team. Let’s go through four today.

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Here’s What Effective Collaboration Looks Like

Here’s What Effective Collaboration Looks Like

In order to produce the results that your business’ customers demand, it is essential that your team work together. This collaboration comes in several forms, but if one person struggles, it can be a dire development for any project or service delivery. This month we thought it would be useful to outline what effective collaboration looks like and give you some insights into how technology fuels most of your business’ collaborative efforts.

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Tip of the Week: Handy Shortcuts in Google Chat

Tip of the Week: Handy Shortcuts in Google Chat

Google Chat, a worthy successor to Google Hangouts, is a great tool for users that can help them be more productive throughout the day, but did you know that you might be missing out on a ton of functionality by forgoing some of these keyboard shortcuts? Let’s go over some of the most helpful ones and how you can use them to get more out of this tool.

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The 5 Essential Features to Seek from a Conferencing Platform

The 5 Essential Features to Seek from a Conferencing Platform

These days you’d be hard-pressed to find a company that is not equipped to handle video conferencing in some way. The pandemic led many organizations to adopt these platforms, and as a result, these platforms have seen a dramatic increase in functionality and capability. We’d like to discuss some of the best features that your organization can take advantage of with video conferencing solutions.

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Considering Encryption in Light of Android Messages’ Update

Considering Encryption in Light of Android Messages’ Update

With the addition of end-to-end encryption to Google’s Android Messages application, we have a perfect opportunity to discuss the concept of encryption and why it is so important. Let’s dive right in, shall we?

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Improving Your Business Communication for the New Remote Normal

Improving Your Business Communication for the New Remote Normal

The fact that many of their workers never see each other has led to some interesting shifts in the way that businesses approach communications. They used to just walk across the room and have a conversation, but as people try to make sense of the hybrid work environment, communications will continue to be a key. Let’s take a look at how your internal and external communications strategies will change to meet the needs of your roving workforce. 

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Going Over the Basics of Collaboration Solutions

Going Over the Basics of Collaboration Solutions

With businesses depending on technology more now than ever, it stands to reason that the collaboration solutions that are available would improve as demand increases. Today’s business needs a collaboration solution that allows them to communicate, manage tasks, and be a reliable solution for teams separated by more than just a wall. Let’s take a look at the modern collaboration tool and how they provide powerful benefits for the modern business.

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How VoIP Can Help the Business that Adopts It

How VoIP Can Help the Business that Adopts It

For all the communication services and tools available to businesses nowadays, the telephone remains a staple in everyday processes—despite it often being difficult to manage and expensive to maintain. This is largely because today’s technology enables businesses to use a telephone system that exceeds the capabilities once provided by telephony, for a far more manageable investment.

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How Not to Teach Your Team About Phishing, Courtesy of GoDaddy

How Not to Teach Your Team About Phishing, Courtesy of GoDaddy

GoDaddy—the domain registrar and web-hosting company once famed for its risqué advertisements—is facing some significant backlash for a much different reason. On December 14th, GoDaddy’s employees received an email that appeared to be from the company, promising a holiday bonus. However, while the email was from the company as it appeared to be, it was actually a phishing test that the hosting provider decided to run.

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Is 2021 the Year Your Business Embraces VoIP? (It Should Be)

Is 2021 the Year Your Business Embraces VoIP? (It Should Be)

Since its widespread adoption, the telephone has proved to be a hugely beneficial tool for businesses of all kinds… despite the considerable costs that it can incur. Fortunately for your business’ budget, however, there is a far more cost-effective means for you to enjoy the benefits of telephony: VoIP, short for Voice over Internet Protocol. Let’s go over some of the reasons why VoIP is just a better option for any business.

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Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Improve Mobile Business Etiquette

Tip of the Week: 5 Ways to Improve Mobile Business Etiquette

Mobility is important to today’s workers and can be valuable to many different types of businesses; so much so that businesses demand that employees stay connected. Sometimes, especially when in public, this can become a social problem. Today, we will discuss mobile phone etiquette and five ways that you can improve yours. 

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Why is VoIP Seen as Such a Great Business Solution?

Why is VoIP Seen as Such a Great Business Solution?

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a common business communication solution nowadays… but it is still possible that you aren’t aware of what VoIP is and the many benefits it can deliver to your operations. To remedy this, let’s briefly review the concepts behind VoIP, and how your business can embrace them to its advantage.

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Gmail Templates Can Speed Up Your Communications

Gmail Templates Can Speed Up Your Communications

Email is one of the most popular business communication tools, with Google’s Gmail service being a popular choice with a market share of around 33.7 percent. It therefore makes sense that a lot of time is spent using Gmail, time that you might like spent on other initiatives. To help reduce the amount of time spent in Gmail on routine correspondence, we’re sharing how you can use Gmail templates to get the job done.

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Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Clientbase

Tip of the Week: How to Effectively Communicate with Your Clientbase

One of the most important things that your business needs to do—especially now—is to communicate with the clients you serve. To guide you into doing so to the best of your abilities, let’s go over some tips for you and your team to keep in mind pertaining to your communications.

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When Working Remotely, VoIP is an Indispensable Tool

When Working Remotely, VoIP is an Indispensable Tool

With the widespread support of social distancing that current events have encouraged, remote working options are seeing an understandable surge in popularity. In order to make the most of “telecommuting,” as it is referred to, there are a lot of reasons to use a Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, solution. Let’s go over some.

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Options for Effective Business Communications

Options for Effective Business Communications

Today’s business is much more collaborative than it was in the past. This means that there are a lot more communications to manage. Small businesses may use technology to try and bridge the gaps and large businesses use it to manage huge and complicated workflows. Today, we take a look at the average business’ internal communications, and which tools are best for increased productivity.

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Five Reasons Video Conferencing is a Great Business Tool

Five Reasons Video Conferencing is a Great Business Tool

Many businesses have turned to video conferencing as a promising communications solution for their workforces to leverage, and for good reason. There are assorted collaborative benefits that a company can enjoy by embracing video conferencing capabilities. Here, we’ll review five of them.

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Instant Messaging Professionally

Tip of the Week: How to Use Instant Messaging Professionally

Communication is paramount in any business environment, which makes it crucial that your business is equipped with the tools that allow this communication to take place. In light of this, many businesses have embraced instant messaging applications in the workplace. For this week’s tip, we’ll go over how to most productively and professionally utilize instant messaging.

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Have a Strategy for Your Work Email

Have a Strategy for Your Work Email

Email is generally considered to be one of the more effective ways of communication in the business world. An organization that can use email adeptly is one that saves time and money. Today, we’ll be discussing how you can get the most out of your email solution through the use of best practices and other tips.

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Tip of the Week: How to Encourage a Good Team Dynamic

Tip of the Week: How to Encourage a Good Team Dynamic

Collaboration is an invaluable part of any modern business’ success, which means that teamwork is an essential skill for your staff to have. Unfortunately, teamwork isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve in the office. There are, however, ways that you can promote it among your workforce. For this week’s tip, we’ll discuss a few ways how.

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Know Your Tech: PDF

Know Your Tech: PDF

For computer enthusiasts one of the major questions has always been Mac vs. PC. Most people prefer one over the other, while some are fine using either. The problem with having two popular non-compatible computer systems is that they each use proprietary file types. For documents, the answer was developed by Adobe: the PDF. Today, we’ll take a look at Portable Document Format.

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3 Reasons VoIP Is An Improvement Over Traditional Telephony

3 Reasons VoIP Is An Improvement Over Traditional Telephony

Do you still rely on a traditional telephone system to keep in touch with clients and internal departments? This can be a severe issue for your operational budget. While your employees might be accustomed to having the physical phone on their desks, virtual phones are becoming a major contender to replace them for all different types of businesses.

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Cost Savings Are Just The Start of VoIP’s Benefits

Cost Savings Are Just The Start of VoIP’s Benefits

Business owners and managers are always looking to save a buck. Since the cost of doing business continues to climb, looking to the cloud for their business-critical applications is one way to spread computing costs out over time. The cloud offers several solutions to help the modern business keep their costs down, and nowhere can these costs be mitigated more than with a business’ communications.

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9 Ingredients to Creating a Winning UCC Strategy

9 Ingredients to Creating a Winning UCC Strategy

If there is one thing that supports everything a successful business does, it has to be communication. Any company relies on its communications to ensure that its clients are satisfied with their services, and as communications have improved, it has only become easier for a unified communication and collaboration, or UCC, strategy to take form.

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Tip of the Week: Creating Canned Responses in Gmail

Tip of the Week: Creating Canned Responses in Gmail

If you’re like most business users, you rely on email quite a bit to stay apprised of what is going on, as do most of the people you are likely in communication with. As such, you most likely understand that, while most emails require some kind of response or confirmation of receipt, not all of these messages require a heartfelt message. This is where Gmail’s Canned Responses come in handy.

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Getting a Better Sense of Customer Relationship Management

Getting a Better Sense of Customer Relationship Management

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how important it is to have a handle on your clients’ needs. After all, how else are you supposed to offer them the level of service that they need to remain satisfied enough to stay subscribed to what you offer? This endeavor is exactly why a customer relationship management (or CRM) system is so crucial.

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Know Your Tech: A/B Testing

Know Your Tech: A/B Testing

A key component to effectively attracting your audience is to better understand their preferences. Even the most seemingly insignificant change, like changing the color of the buttons on your website, can have a major impact on how effective your materials are. Fortunately, through a process called A/B testing, observing the impact of these changes is somewhat straightforward.

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What Plans Does Your Organization Have for Communications?

What Plans Does Your Organization Have for Communications?

Over the past few decades, technology has drastically changed the way businesses of all sizes and industries communicate. In fact, there is a direct correlation between the way a business communicates and its overall success. The majority of customers, as well as their employees, demand that the modern business find avenues of sharing information that are as close to instantaneous as possible.

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Experts Believe Email Will Soon Meet Its End

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_no_more_400.jpgWith email being such a prevalent tool used in the modern office, it might seem silly to think that in just a few short years, email might not be as relevant as it used to be. However, many professionals believe that email is limping along on its last leg, waiting to be put out of its misery by a new solution. Will email be around for much longer? Should the average business prepare for a world without it?

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Which VoIP Solution is Best for Your Business, In-House or Hosted?

b2ap3_thumbnail_hosted_voip_solutions_400.jpgProper communication is an imperative part of doing business, and nothing improves this aspect of your company better than a telecommunication system of some sort. Some businesses rely on their legacy telephone system for interoffice communication, but this can be both difficult and expensive to maintain.

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Tip of the Week: Avoid These 3 Common Grammar Errors

b2ap3_thumbnail_grammar_issues_400.jpgWe live in an age where everything we do is auto-corrected through our word processor or email client. This makes it particularly easy to make grammar errors, especially when you’re in a pinch and you need to send out a reminder or an email within moments. If your business isn’t careful to avoid these mistakes, you could potentially be seen as unprofessional in your industry.

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Give Productivity a Call with a VoIP Phone System

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_based_phone_solutions_400.jpgToday’s technology has transformed the business world into a land chock-full of emails and text messages, where the spoken word is a nearly-lost practice. This makes phone calls even more special than they used to be, and can make or break the satisfactory customer experience. As your business grows, the costs of a legacy telephone system grow along with it. VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a desirable solution to decrease communication costs both in and out of the office.

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Don’t Ignore Communication with Your IT Department

b2ap3_thumbnail_synergy_400.jpgWhen dealing with a large infrastructure, like that found within your business, it’s important to be clear and concise. This is especially true when it comes to your IT department, as miscommunications can lead to lost work or even fatal issues. If a problem does arise, you want to make sure that they are available to take care of it. In order to keep your issues to a minimum, it’s a good idea to plan out your IT communications systems and stick to them at all times.

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Tip of the Week: How to Decide on a VoIP Plan to Fit Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_voice_over_internet_protocol_400.jpgMore businesses are switching to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in order to consolidate their communication tools and save money on their phone bill. Before you make the switch, you will first want to understand your different VoIP options so that you will have a plan that fits your company's communication needs. Here are some tips to get you started with VoIP.

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Streamline Your Communications with VoIP and Save Money!

b2ap3_thumbnail_voip_saves_businesses_money_400.jpgThere are many ways to get ahead with your business. One of the easiest ways to grow your company is to simplify operations. Often times, procedures become overly complex and drag down productivity, making everything more expensive. Having an overly complex communications system is a sure way to stunt growth. You can simplify your operations with VoIP.

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