k_Street Consulting, LLC Blog

k_Street Consulting, LLC has been serving the Washington area since 2009, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Faster Internet Speeds Can Improve Your Business

How Faster Internet Speeds Can Improve Your Business

The past several years have brought about dramatic increases in internet speeds, further fueling online activity and allowing businesses to innovate in all kinds of ways. Here are five of the best benefits that these increased Internet speeds have brought about for small and medium-sized businesses.

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Don’t Underestimate What Digital Signage Can Do for Your Business’ Messages

Don’t Underestimate What Digital Signage Can Do for Your Business’ Messages

Customer expectations have shifted quite a bit over the past couple of years, and one thing they notice now is how information is broadcast. Embracing digital signage can offer numerous advantages that traditional signs simply cannot match. If you're contemplating the integration of a digital signage strategy into your business, here are several compelling reasons to consider it.

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Paying Attention to Your Business’ Communications Can Have Major Benefits

Paying Attention to Your Business’ Communications Can Have Major Benefits

Your business communications platform needs to work at every level of your organization, but sometimes the underlying technologies get a tad bit antiquated and your strategy needs revision. Rebuilding your communications isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible either. Here are four tips to help you enhance your communication strategies.

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Three Main Keys to Mobile Device Management

Three Main Keys to Mobile Device Management

As mobile technology becomes ingrained in daily life, businesses must confront the fact that it is a whole new thing that has to be managed. Over 85 percent of the global population is actively using smartphones, and that means that with the benefits, there is also the substantial risk of cyberthreats targeting these devices. Let’s take a look at how mobile devices can be an untapped resource for your business. 

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How Can Small Businesses Utilize AI Tools?

How Can Small Businesses Utilize AI Tools?

AI, or artificial intelligence, has become a staple of application development in recent years. The result is that businesses have more opportunities to address inefficient processes and optimize for time and cost. We wanted to share some of the most exciting ways AI has changed the way businesses operate for the better.

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Planning Technology Isn’t Always Easy

Planning Technology Isn’t Always Easy

Planning anything is always a grind, and trying to plan the best strategy when you have only a partial understanding of the subject can lead to a lot of waste. Business technology is one of those subjects. Not only do you need to identify what tech will be cost-effective, you need to get a pretty rapid return on the investment you plan to make. That’s why getting a professional perspective is so important in cases like this. 

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Not All Technology is Right for Your Business

Not All Technology is Right for Your Business

Technology is undeniably important for the future success of your business, but one thing that is continuously overlooked is if the technology that you bring is actually right for your business. Today, we will look at some of the technology that businesses use that can actually have a negative effect on your business’ effectiveness. 

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How to Waste Less Money on Printing

How to Waste Less Money on Printing

It’s very easy for printing to become a massive resource sink for your business, contributing to a considerable amount of waste. Businesses often take measures to lessen the amount of paper consumption in the workplace to help offset the cost of printing. Let’s look at some ways you can prevent printing from eating away at your profits.

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10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

10 Software Tools that Help Build Efficiency

Service businesses, which provide intangible services rather than physical products, often require specific software to manage their operations efficiently and enhance customer service. Some of the most important software for service businesses include:

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Cloud Computing Delivers Enterprise Computing Options

Cloud Computing Delivers Enterprise Computing Options

Cloud computing has emerged as a paramount asset for businesses. Nearly every business leverages some form of cloud computing, with an impressive four-out-of-five opting for multiple Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, virtualized cloud-hosted computing environments, or other cloud-based solutions. Let’s delve into the advantages of embracing cloud computing.

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How to Implement and Manage Your Document Management System

How to Implement and Manage Your Document Management System

It can be challenging to manage all of your business’ data, especially when you have a heavy reliance on physical paper documents rather than using a digital document management solution. Here are the steps involved in implementing one and how it can benefit your organization.

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Common Technology Pain Points Businesses Need to Confront

Common Technology Pain Points Businesses Need to Confront

Business doesn’t always go the way you want it to. There are numerous places that can cause problems and ruin the good thing you have going. This month, we discuss some of the most common problems we see small businesses have to confront regarding their technology. 

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3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

3 of the Biggest Challenges SMBs Face with Their Technology

Your business might depend on technology, but if it’s not managed properly, this dependence can become a detriment. Small businesses in particular must be aware of several challenges specific to their technology infrastructures. Let’s examine three of the most common culprits for your company’s technological troubles and what you can do about them.

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Are You Taking Your Automation Initiatives Too Far?

Are You Taking Your Automation Initiatives Too Far?

In business, organizations that are able to automate processes have a leg up on organizations that rely on humans to do everything. Not only does it cost a lot less to run a business that has automated processes, it also helps improve organizational focus and efficiency by streamlining processes and removing the moving parts that can sometimes hinder operational progress. That’s not to say that there aren’t some places that a business can greatly benefit from a human touch. Let’s take a look at both sides of the argument.

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A Brief Look at the Pros and Cons of Virtualized Computing

A Brief Look at the Pros and Cons of Virtualized Computing

Managing your technology infrastructure can be challenging, but virtualized computing presents an opportunity for you to make considerable changes and progress to a more efficient way of doing so. With the right technology and the right solutions, you can break through barriers previously in place and do some remarkable things with virtualized technology.

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Get Out In Front of Your Technology Issues

Get Out In Front of Your Technology Issues

Wouldn’t it be great if your business didn’t have to worry about technology problems? Well, with the right amount of attention and care invested, your business can minimize technology issues and optimize your infrastructure for proactive technology management rather than reactive. Let’s go over some of the most important practices. 

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The IIoT and How It Is Transforming Large-Scale Industry

The IIoT and How It Is Transforming Large-Scale Industry

Businesses have been starting to embrace the Internet of Things (IoT) for quite some time now as they can see the benefit of using devices to streamline parts of their business processes that may not be actively engaging. There is another growing trend in the space that is more sophisticated and could be one of the most transformative technologies in the near future, this is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This month, we discuss what the IIoT is and how it can be used by certain companies to massive benefit. 

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Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

Tip of the Week: 3 Ways You Can Save Money on Your IT

If you are trying to add new tools to your infrastructure, you might quickly find that technology can be a serious challenge for your budget… that is, unless you make some smart investments and decisions about how you implement it. We can help you make the best technology decisions for your business. In fact, here are three strategies you can try to optimize your technology spending.

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Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Tip of the Week: 3 Strategies That Will Save You Money on Your Technology

Technology can get costly, especially if you are looking to integrate new tools into your business’ existing infrastructure. Since this technology is going to play a major role in how your business performs, you need to be vigilant about making the right investments. This week, we thought we’d help by providing three strategies that you should consider when spending on technology. 

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What Types of Software Does Your Business Need?

What Types of Software Does Your Business Need?

Your business uses software to function, but we would like you to consider the role that each of your applications fulfills for your business. Do you have the right amount of software for your company’s needs, or do you have a lot of redundant solutions that only complicate your infrastructure and operations? Today, we’ll discuss the different types of software your company might use so you can make educated decisions about applications you might implement for your needs.

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Moving and Expanding? Get Your IT Squared Away for your New Location

Moving and Expanding? Get Your IT Squared Away for your New Location

Opening a new location can be difficult. When is the right time to expand? If you think you’ve reached that point, you will need to ascertain how to use technology throughout multiple locations. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll discuss some of the considerations you have to make in order to get the technology that will help you move into your new location and sustain the demands that it will put on that technology.  

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Is It Time to Upgrade Your Sales Capabilities?

Is It Time to Upgrade Your Sales Capabilities?

Your sales funnel is particularly important to the success of your business, as you need to reliably get your goods and services in front of your prospective customers to make sales. How can technology aid you in your efforts? Let’s go over how the right technology can improve your sales funnel and help your team be more effective.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your In-House Computing

How to Get the Most Out of Your In-House Computing

More businesses than ever before are making adjustments toward a more digital business involving more complex and sophisticated technology, making more reliable and efficient IT of paramount importance. There are benefits to outsourcing your IT resources, but there are also times when you might consider hosting your infrastructure in-house. Let’s go over the benefits and how you can benefit from a mixture of in-house and outsourced IT.

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Can You Get By with Consumer-Based Software?

Can You Get By with Consumer-Based Software?

Your business runs on software, whether it’s the systems you implement to get work done or the customer relations management software you use to communicate with the consumers of your goods or services. You’d be hard-pressed to find a business that doesn’t rely on software in some capacity, so it’s not a stretch to say that your business is only as effective as the solutions you implement.

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You Need to Update Your Continuity Plans

You Need to Update Your Continuity Plans

Business continuity is one of those things that can easily be overlooked as most businesses do whatever they can to focus on the job at hand. Unfortunately for the unprepared business, there are a lot of situations that can happen that can interrupt its ability to function optimally. Having continuity strategies in place can save organizations a lot of time and money as they are able to get back up and running effectively quicker. 

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Can Technology Help You Overcome Your Direct Pain Points?

Can Technology Help You Overcome Your Direct Pain Points?

We write in a lot of general terms about technology, whether it’s how to secure your infrastructure, procure hardware, or implement software solutions for your network, and that is for one very specific reason: each business is different and has different needs. We thought today that we would take you through some of the questions you might ask when thinking about the best approach to new technology in your office.

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How to Keep Your Business’ Technology Simple to Manage

How to Keep Your Business’ Technology Simple to Manage

Business technology can actually be pretty simple. It can also be frustratingly—even maddeningly—complicated and create all types of problems for a business. In this month’s newsletter, we thought we would go through a couple of tips that can help you keep your technology simple.

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The Fundamentals of Your IT Budget

The Fundamentals of Your IT Budget

Technology is remarkably important to just about any business endeavor, so it stands to reason that you should be especially scrutinous with your IT spending so you get the most out of your investment. If the total cost of ownership breaches what you deem affordable, how can you expect to get a return on your investments? Let’s go over what your business needs and how that translates into costs for your company.

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What Kind of Goals Should You Set for Your Business Technology?

What Kind of Goals Should You Set for Your Business Technology?

Businesses need to adjust their technology to meet their operational goals. Oftentimes, this can be the difference between loads of inefficiency and things going smoothly.  Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to ascertain where your business should spend its capital. Let’s take a look at how you can match your technology with your operational goals.

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Is it Time for a Technology Upgrade?

Is it Time for a Technology Upgrade?

We live in an era of upgrades. Consider how often people upgrade their smartphone. Do you give the same care and attention to your business’ technology? Oftentimes users ignore the signs that it is time for an upgrade even when they are crystal clear, just saying to themselves, “I’ll get by just fine.”’ This is not the mentality that will help you move beyond your current productivity. You need to be able to identify when older devices are holding you back and take steps toward replacing them with better, more powerful ones.

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Microprocessor Shortages Hindering the Hardware Market

Microprocessor Shortages Hindering the Hardware Market

When it comes to procuring new technology solutions for your business, what is your preferred method of doing so? If you haven’t thought about it, perhaps you should start. Gartner predicts a major decrease in PC shipments for the remainder of 2022. This has significant implications for any technology user, but this is especially true for business owners who might need to consider hardware refreshes in the near future.

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Businesses Have Better Tools Thanks to Technology

Businesses Have Better Tools Thanks to Technology

Given the past few years and the assorted challenges that businesses have experienced during these tumultuous times, it is little wonder that businesses are seeking to alter their operations. Fortunately, today’s technology offers these opportunities to businesses, for prices that are surprisingly attainable for organizations of all sizes. Let’s discuss three such examples you could implement in your own business.

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File Access and Security Improves with Document Management

File Access and Security Improves with Document Management

When it comes to storing your business’ documents, you have a couple of options available to you. Some professionals enjoy the chaos of having documents strewn about their office, while others prefer the organization that a system of filing cabinets can bring with it. However, both of these options pale in comparison to the document management system, a technological innovation that could allow your organization to go paperless and improve efficiency in ways you might not have guessed.

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Improve the Security of Your Wireless Network with these 4 Actions

Improve the Security of Your Wireless Network with these 4 Actions

It’s not always easy to build a network that is both robust and secure, but this doesn’t make it any less necessary, not with so many of your critical business functions relying on connectivity. With so many devices accessing your network at any given time, you need to have a concrete understanding of how to keep your network secure while still keeping your network running efficiently.

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Prevalent IT Challenges You Need to Consider

Prevalent IT Challenges You Need to Consider

Managing business technology is a challenge that many small businesses have difficulty overcoming, and this is largely in part due to the fact that managing technology is not the focus of these small businesses. The inability to overcome IT challenges can hold businesses back that otherwise would flourish. Let’s discuss some of the biggest issues that companies have for IT and how they could potentially be addressed.

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The Basics of the Modern Inventory Management System

The Basics of the Modern Inventory Management System

With more businesses than ever relying on their inventory to get through difficult times, it’s important to know just what resources you have at your disposal. Even if your business doesn’t produce goods or materials, it can be helpful to know what assets you have readily available at any given time. This is where inventory management comes in. Today, we want to give you a brief overview of inventory management and how technology can make it easier.

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Can You Save Money By Changing the Way You Deploy Your Resources?

Can You Save Money By Changing the Way You Deploy Your Resources?

Your technology resources are likely deployed across your business and while all that IT can really help speed up your business and make it more effective, you also have to watch your technology spending so it doesn’t become a problem as you move your business forward. This month, we are going to get into how to deploy certain resources to help you save some money and at the same time get the technology you need to be more productive. 

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The Modern Point of Sale System Can Bring Massive Benefits

The Modern Point of Sale System Can Bring Massive Benefits

Many businesses make their profits from selling products, goods, or services to their consumer base, requiring that they have a way to process these transactions in place. The point of sale system is a business’ preferred method of handling these transactions, especially in retail. How can you know which features you might need for a point of sale system?

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Taking Advantage of Prime Day? What To Do With Your Old Technology

Taking Advantage of Prime Day? What To Do With Your Old Technology

In the post Prime Day space, you might realize that you have purchased quite a few consumer electronics from the web retailer, and if you did, we hope you found some great deals that you can write home about. But before you throw out your old devices in favor of the new, we urge you to think about the approach you are going to take, as improper recycling and disposal of devices could have negative effects on both the environment and your personal data.

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Creating Productive Workspaces Keeps Business Comfortable

Creating Productive Workspaces Keeps Business Comfortable

Whether you are in the office or working remotely, there are many distractions that can derail your productivity. To set yourself up for success, we recommend that you follow the tips outlined in this blog. You might be surprised by how just a few simple adjustments can make a world of difference for your productivity.

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Outlining the Differences Between a Surge Protector and a Power Strip

Outlining the Differences Between a Surge Protector and a Power Strip

When it comes to business technology, there are sure to be a lot of electrical plugs, so you’ll naturally want plenty of outlets to plug them into. A power trip likely won’t cut it, though. For your needs, you’ll want to invest in a surge protector. Why is the surge protector so much better, you ask? Well, let’s explore this question.

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Use Automation to Improve Operations

Use Automation to Improve Operations

The difference between productivity and innovation is not always clear-cut, but the biggest one is that higher productivity naturally creates innovation… assuming it is supported by the right tools and mindset. How can technology help your business be more creative and innovative in the way it goes about its day-to-day operations?

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Why a Creative IT Team is an Asset to Seek Out

Why a Creative IT Team is an Asset to Seek Out

If you work with technology, then you are likely to have a good idea of what innovation is and isn’t. Innovation is born from creativity, and while it’s not often associated with business IT, there is something to be said for how technology professionals solve problems in a creative fashion, solving problems with solutions available either in-house or on the market. Today, we are focusing on how this creativity can be an asset and how you can foster creative thought in your office.

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Onsite or Cloud Server: What’s Best for Your Business?

Onsite or Cloud Server: What’s Best for Your Business?

Your servers run the technology that fuels your business. That’s why they are the most important (and expensive) pieces of hardware that you house. When it comes time to refresh one (or all) of your servers, you need to make a choice: Do you purchase a new server to host in-house or do you move your central computing to the cloud?

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4 Critical Technologies All Small Businesses Need

4 Critical Technologies All Small Businesses Need

One of the best things about technology is that it does quite a bit to level the playing field. Smaller businesses can effectively do the work of larger enterprises because they have access to similar technologies. Additionally, technology goes a long way toward helping businesses manage their customer relationships, a key component to any revenue-seeking endeavor. This month we thought we would put together a list of four technologies every small business can use to manage their business and compete in their market.

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Technology for the Modern Law Practice

Technology for the Modern Law Practice

It’s important that attorneys have access to the important information and tools needed to enable them to do their jobs. When they can do so easily, they are able to bring in more revenue, take on more clients, and provide better services to their clientele. What kinds of technology do lawyers need to improve their practices?

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Vendor Management is a Challenge You Don’t Need to Tackle Alone

Vendor Management is a Challenge You Don’t Need to Tackle Alone

Any successful business likely has some kind of relationship with at least a few vendors as it likely depends on their services and available technology and supplies. Having said that, it can be truly challenging to juggle all these providers. How is it that this challenge can be overcome?

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Focusing on Access Control Can Make Your Business More Secure

Focusing on Access Control Can Make Your Business More Secure

If you are someone who gets stressed out easily by people having access to resources they shouldn’t, then you probably have heard much about how to keep your data and internal resources safe from external threats. However, access control is much more than just cybersecurity; you also need to take into account the physical space when considering your access controls.

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The CRM is the Consummate Business Management Tool

The CRM is the Consummate Business Management Tool

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is an especially useful solution for any business to utilize, as long as they do so with a strategy in mind. Let’s go over why this strategy is so important, and how it should be shaped.

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Hardware Shortages are Having a Major Effect on Future IT Plans

Hardware Shortages are Having a Major Effect on Future IT Plans

If you have tried to replace any hardware over the past couple years, chances are you were either met with significant disappointment or a hefty price tag. There is currently a hardware shortage—particularly for business electronics—and the entire business technology industry is reeling from it. If your organization depends on technology, as many do, you need to understand how this shortage could impact your day-to-day operations.

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3 Useful Smart Devices You Can Implement Today

3 Useful Smart Devices You Can Implement Today

The Internet of Things is growing rapidly and can be of benefit to your organization if it is deployed correctly. It offers a massive opportunity to automate certain parts of your business, saving money, and ensuring that human error is taken out of the equation. A majority of businesses have not fully taken advantage of the time and money savings a well-positioned IoT device can provide.  Let’s take a look at three of the most useful IoT devices that a small business can implement.

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Tip of the Week: Keep a Clean Computer

Tip of the Week: Keep a Clean Computer

If you think about it, a computer is a machine that is full of complex parts and components. Therefore, if you want it to operate at maximum efficiency, it must be taken care of, like being kept tidy and clean. Let’s discuss how you can make sure this happens for your business technology!

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Knowledge Workers and How they Fit Into the Remote Workplace

Knowledge Workers and How they Fit Into the Remote Workplace

You might think that remote work for specific positions is taking off, and while this is true for some, it’s not necessarily the case for all. Knowledge workers, for example, are seeing fewer and fewer new job postings, as evidenced by a report from Braintrust. This report analyzed 150,000 new job postings and had some surprising results on the remote work front.

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Businesses Need to Focus on Security with Remote Workers

Businesses Need to Focus on Security with Remote Workers

There are plenty of companies that have implemented remote work policies to combat the isolation forced upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some businesses even had to resort to downsizing or shutting their doors completely because they could not adapt to these circumstances. Today, as we enter 2022, we thought we would take a look at the role security plays in an effective remote work policy.

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Procuring the Right Hardware Can Be a Difficult Process

Procuring the Right Hardware Can Be a Difficult Process

A time may come when your business needs new hardware, so you will have to make the best and most educated decisions when it’s time to do so. This process can be difficult without the help of your resident tech professional, though. Maybe we can give you a hand!

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Hackers Aren’t Always Thieves

Hackers Aren’t Always Thieves

When we think about security and hackers, it’s easy to think of them all as the bad guys. However, this is far from the truth. Just like with other areas of life, there is a shade of gray involved with hacking, and there are good guys that use these skills to benefit others while the bad guys try to exploit them for their gain.

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Do Humans Create Bias in the AI We’ve Developed?

Do Humans Create Bias in the AI We’ve Developed?

Science fiction shows artificial intelligence to be an entity compelled purely by logic, driven only by objective facts. AI tools used by businesses and in the real world, however, are a far cry from this perception. AI systems have some biases in their operations. Let’s take a look at some of them and how you can resolve these issues.

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You Shouldn’t Let Opportunity Cost Dictate Your Path Forward

You Shouldn’t Let Opportunity Cost Dictate Your Path Forward

Have you ever felt the anxiety of missing out on something for no real logical reason? This fear, also known as the “fear of missing out,” (or FOMO) is applicable not just in social situations, but in the business and professional world as well. The concept might seem rather juvenile in nature, but it is a very real thing that can influence your actions… and not always in a positive way.

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A 5-Step Guide to Troubleshooting Technology Problems

A 5-Step Guide to Troubleshooting Technology Problems

When something goes wrong, it makes sense that you have a process in place to go over the issue and find a solution. This process, also known as troubleshooting, will have several variables that must be accounted for, but the general process itself remains unchanged. Here are the five steps to troubleshooting any problem, as well as ensuring that the issue does not become more problematic in the future.

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How a Virtual CIO Can Change Your Business for the Better

How a Virtual CIO Can Change Your Business for the Better

We often talk about how some businesses do not have the budget to hire technicians to perform regular maintenance on their IT infrastructures, but what about the one behind the scenes calling all the shots? If companies cannot hire technicians, then it stands to reason that they also cannot afford someone at the executive level who manages their workload. The concept of the virtual chief information officer, or virtual CIO, challenges this notion by providing access to technology leadership for small businesses.

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Voice over Internet Protocol May Sound Complicated, but It Can Save You Money

Voice over Internet Protocol May Sound Complicated, but It Can Save You Money

Good communication is more important than ever, especially today when margins are thinner and remote collaboration is a staple for many organizations. Today, we want to share with you four benefits that come from utilizing a hosted VoIP solution.

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Mission-Critical Software for Small Businesses

Mission-Critical Software for Small Businesses

With so many types of business software solutions out there, you might not immediately know what you should aim to use and why. Thankfully, while there are countless types of businesses and organizations out there, some staple applications make their way into most offices, giving your company a decent starting point. Let’s take a look at what some of these software programs are and why you might want them.

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Read This to Learn How Technology Can Help You Build a Better Business

Read This to Learn How Technology Can Help You Build a Better Business

With so much competition in business today, it’s no surprise that companies are always looking for the next big thing to get ahead. One way these companies can improve operations and kick their businesses up a notch is through the use of the right technology. With the right IT on your side, you can make a significant difference between yourself and others in your chosen industry.

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4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Point of Sale System

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Point of Sale System

For many small businesses, the Point of Sale (POS) system is the main workstation. As a result, many of your business’ core processes run through it. If you aren’t taking advantage of some of the built-in features that most POS systems can provide, you may be leaving dollars on the table. 

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4 IT Errors Every Small Business Needs to Avoid

4 IT Errors Every Small Business Needs to Avoid

Technology is often a source of struggle for small businesses, usually for one of two reasons. Either the strong IT leadership needed isn’t there, or there aren’t enough resources to support the level of IT management and maintenance that businesses need. Of course, there are other mistakes that can easily be made when it comes to a business’ technology management.

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How to Build the Perfect Server Room for Your Business

How to Build the Perfect Server Room for Your Business

Your business relies on technology for access to an IT infrastructure. One such piece of technology that you use on a daily basis, whether you realize it or not, is a server. A company that has a single server might be able to get away with less-than-stellar server management policies, but those that have multiple servers should never be skimping on the environment in which their servers live.

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7 Technology Terms That End Users Should Know

7 Technology Terms That End Users Should Know

No matter what role you are in at your company, be it management or otherwise, there are certain terms related to technology that you are going to want to be familiar with. Doing so will not only help you make the process of asking for help when it’s needed easier, but it will also help you stay current on business technology in general, leading to more awareness of what goes into a successful business technology strategy. Let’s discuss some of the important technology terms for everyday business operations.

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HDD vs SSD: What’s Best for Your Business?

HDD vs SSD: What’s Best for Your Business?

When you purchase new technology for your organization, the decision is not always clear-cut. One decision that can be difficult is whether to implement hard disk drives (HDD) or solid state drives (SSD) for your desktops or other technology solutions. To help you make the best and most educated decision possible, we’re here to explain the differences and help you make the best choice.

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A Knowledge Base System Is a Great Tool to Streamline Operations

A Knowledge Base System Is a Great Tool to Streamline Operations

If your business wants to improve operations, one way it can do so is with an in-depth knowledge base that encompasses its policies and procedures for anyone who might work for you or take advantage of your services. Businesses that are well-documented have a much easier time when it comes to onboarding new talent, and with a thorough enough knowledge base, customers and vendors will have an easier time working with you, too. Today we are discussing the different types of knowledge base systems and why they might be a good fit for your business model.

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The True Value of Managed IT Services

The True Value of Managed IT Services

Technology management is a pain point for businesses, particularly smaller ones that might not have the vast amount of resources as larger organizations or enterprises. That being said, small businesses have a secret weapon that allows them to compete with larger businesses, and it comes in the form of managed IT services. What is a managed service provider, and how does working with one dramatically change the dynamic of your business’ operations?

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Use the SMART Model to Set Actionable Goals

Use the SMART Model to Set Actionable Goals

When you started your business, you had a specific goal in mind. You wanted to prove something, to create something worth sharing with the world. We all have goals and aspirations, but it’s not always clear what the best path toward those goals is. Using a simple framework, you can maximize your odds of success and set great goals that you are much more likely to achieve long-term.

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Smaller Business Have Problems Adopting Useful Technologies

Smaller Business Have Problems Adopting Useful Technologies

Technology adoption can be a major issue for many businesses, mostly due to the variable costs of adding new technologies to a business’ cache of technology tools. For smaller businesses, adding new technologies that will allow them to compete with larger businesses can be even more difficult. Let’s take a look at the adoption gap between larger businesses and smaller businesses and why they are having a hard time closing it. 

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3 Ways Your Business Can Utilize the Cloud

3 Ways Your Business Can Utilize the Cloud

The cloud is a great tool that lets businesses of all industries and sizes revisit the way operations are handled, but it’s not always clear what the best approach is for your specific business. What are some ways that you can utilize the cloud, and why is it so important that you start thinking about these benefits now?

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Three Technology-Related Questions You Need to Answer “Yes” To

Three Technology-Related Questions You Need to Answer “Yes” To

For most businesses, technology is a complete necessity these days. It’s been proven that, by integrating some technology strategically, businesses can solve major operational problems that many smaller businesses and startups can’t. Today, we will ask three questions about business tech that any technology-savvy individual should know, and explain why you should know them. 

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Should IT’s Role Be Expanding in Your Business?

Should IT’s Role Be Expanding in Your Business?

Every business’ goal is to turn enough of a profit, and some businesses are better at it than others. One way that modern businesses can improve their revenue generation is by utilizing technology to cut down on inefficiencies and fuel productivity through collaboration. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the ways that businesses can expand their business through technology. 

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Technology is Boosting the Professional Services Industry

Technology is Boosting the Professional Services Industry

Professional services run the world. As a result, it is imperative that they innovate with the times. It is increasingly important that professional services companies keep their finger on the pulse of new technology. Let’s take a look at some of the technology that can benefit professional services companies.

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If You Don’t Do Technology Right, You May Regret Doing It at All

If You Don’t Do Technology Right, You May Regret Doing It at All

Businesses of all kinds depend on the technology that they use, whether it’s their email, a CRM, or just a single PC with a spreadsheet program. Those businesses that keep it real simple, have to know that there is technology out there that can help them bring in more revenue streams or properly manage the ones they already have. Those that look to technology to solve their business’ operational woes, tend to have several options to choose from. One thing is certain, if you have proper counsel when making technology decisions for your business, your chances of spending your capital wisely increase substantially.

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How to Find the Right Management Software for Your Business

How to Find the Right Management Software for Your Business

Software is a major part of doing business nowadays. Not only do you depend on it to manage core functions of your business, that software can be purchased in multiple different methods. When choosing management software, your business needs to choose one that fits your needs, returns long-term benefits, and provides a platform that will help you build your company. Let’s go through some considerations you’ll need to consider when choosing management software.

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Why You Need to Do a Security and Compliance Audit

Why You Need to Do a Security and Compliance Audit

Businesses that don’t see after their vulnerabilities are just asking to be breached. That’s the consensus view in the IT industry. It’s disconcerting, then, to consider how many businesses don’t actively assess their IT security, especially considering how much these platforms change from year-to-year. Today, we’ll briefly discuss what a security and compliance audit is, and why we think you need one. 

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Is Going Paperless Cost Effective?

Is Going Paperless Cost Effective?

Printing is costly and those costs come from a lot of different directions. They come from paper and ink and the fact that printers seem to need constant maintenance. For some businesses, it’s all too much and they are actively looking for ways to go paperless and cut out their printing and filing costs. Today, we will examine whether or not forsaking the troublesome printer is actually cost effective. 

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Have a Plan with Your Business’ Technology

Have a Plan with Your Business’ Technology

Some businesses will put pressure on themselves to get some of the most innovative technology tools available. On the surface, this seems like a great idea, but just because a piece of technology exists, doesn’t mean it will help your business right now. We thought it would be a good time to take a look at some strategies that will help you build the technology your business needs to see a positive return on those investments.

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How Software as a Service Fits Into Your Business’ Technology Plans

How Software as a Service Fits Into Your Business’ Technology Plans

Traditionally, if a business needed a solution to a problem, they would research which technology is the best for the problem they had and go out and buy it. If a company didn’t have the money to buy that solution, they would borrow to buy it so that their business wouldn’t stagnate and fail. In today’s tech-driven business environment there is a much better option than mortgaging your business just to save it.

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How SMBs Use Social Media

How SMBs Use Social Media

Social media companies are some of the most powerful entities in today’s world. Their ability to connect people with others of like mind or specific wants and needs often goes overlooked because much of the experience of operating online in today’s climate is adversarial. With the average user spending roughly two hours and 24 minutes per day on social media and messaging apps, companies can use that exposure to promote themselves. Let’s take a look at how small and medium-sized businesses use social media to their advantage.

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Is Your Business Taking Advantage of Enhanced Mobility?

Is Your Business Taking Advantage of Enhanced Mobility?

Mobility has to be one of the most talked about technology trends in business, and for good reason. Consumers use mobile. They use it for shopping, banking, checking the weather, for driving directions; and today, they use it for productivity. Let’s take a look at the rise in mobility and how small businesses can use it to their benefit.

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What to Look for When Purchasing Workstations

What to Look for When Purchasing Workstations

The technology your business uses is extremely important. One of the most important pieces of technology that you will routinely get is the workstation. Since it is the hub of productivity, there are certain variables that you need to consider when purchasing new workstations. This month, we will go through this process.

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Data Services Can Be a Big Part of Your Business

Data Services Can Be a Big Part of Your Business

We all use computers to run our businesses every day, and data has become a key factor in what most businesses do. Even smaller businesses have begun to use their data for strategic purposes, and in doing so have started a trend that has taken the world by storm. Let’s take a look at the data services that are designed to inform business owners and decision makers on how their business is actually working and how to improve operational effectiveness.

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It’s Time to Audit Your IT

It’s Time to Audit Your IT

Unfortunately, small businesses are having a hard time right now. If your operations are to continue throughout this time, some significant changes are going to be required. Here, we’re looking at how you can use current technologies to help sustain your business. Chances are, you may already have these technologies available to you.

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Are These Technologies Protecting Your Operational Security?

Are These Technologies Protecting Your Operational Security?

With businesses slowly resuming their operations, it is effectively guaranteed that this process will be bumpy. However, this in and of itself presents an opportunity for these businesses to improve their operations for long-term benefits. Whether you are actively opening your doors or ramping up to do so, you need to have today’s technology supporting you and your activities.

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Tip of the Week: Four Tools to Improve Business Productivity

Tip of the Week: Four Tools to Improve Business Productivity

Today’s software solutions are generally built with a single goal in mind: productivity. Here, we wanted to go over a few tools that any business seeking improved efficiency in its operations should strongly consider, especially based on what the world has been experiencing recently.

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Get Control Over Your Businesses IT with Managed Services

Get Control Over Your Businesses IT with Managed Services

Would you know if the technology your business runs on hadn’t been updated for a while? How can you determine when your software licenses run out? Has your printer been serviced in the past six months? If you have no idea about the answers to these questions, you may be staring disaster in the face. Let’s discuss how you can answer “I don’t know” and not be in jeopardy of a catastrophic technology problem. 

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How to Move to the Cloud in a Hurry

How to Move to the Cloud in a Hurry

The cloud has long demonstrated its many benefits to a business’ operations, but perhaps never so much as it has now. With so many people remaining in their homes, the only way that any business (essential or not) can get anything done is to adjust to remote operations—something the cloud is especially useful in. If ever there was a time to take advantage of the cloud’s capabilities, it would be now.

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Nine Tools Every Business Should Have Invested in Today

Nine Tools Every Business Should Have Invested in Today

Over time, technology has developed to make processes more efficient and more productive for businesses of any size, offering greater benefits to those that put them to use. Let’s go over three critical needs that businesses have, and three technologies that can serve each.

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Handy IT Acronyms to Understand

Handy IT Acronyms to Understand

It is pretty apparent that there are a lot (a lot) of acronyms used when discussing IT. In fact, that itself is an acronym for information technology. They can all get pretty confusing if you don’t necessarily think about these things every day. Considering this, we’ve put together a list of terms for you to know that we think may be handy to have.

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Considerations for Your Business Networking Setup

Considerations for Your Business Networking Setup

A business’ network is one of its key assets, which means that it is particularly important that yours is well-developed and planned. Here, we’ll go over a few basics and best practices for you to familiarize yourself with for when you need to reconsider your business network.

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The Mobile Device: A Brief History

The Mobile Device: A Brief History

It may not seem like it, but the mobile device is very much like the Internet. They’ve both only been around a short time, demand for each is massive, and their mere presence has changed modern life. Today, we’ll take a look at how the mobile device came to be and give you a brief look at mobile device history.

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Integration Brings Benefits to Business

Integration Brings Benefits to Business

For today’s business, agility is important. Things can change so rapidly that if a business commits to one way of doing business, it could spell curtains for them if they are forced into making changes that don’t work with certain strategies or technologies they’ve chosen to use. These days, software integration can allow businesses to optimize the flow of information and change course quickly, all while keeping their business running effectively. Let’s take a look at this integration.

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2020’s Smartphones, in Review

2020’s Smartphones, in Review

There is no question that smartphones have assimilated into our daily communications, both on a personal level and in the professional sense. Apps allow us to be social, to accomplish work-related tasks, and yes, kill some time with the latest silly trending game. Of course, as time passes, these devices only grow more advanced. If you’re due for a replacement, you may want to examine some of your options before pulling the trigger.

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Looking at Business Technology Trends from CES 2020

Looking at Business Technology Trends from CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is where people get to see emerging technologies first. Typically thought of as an event where innovations in, well, consumer electronics are put on display, a lot of the technology on display at CES can be big news for businesses as well. Today, we are going to review some trends that CIOs and other business decision makers should be paying attention to.

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A Brief Look at Emerging Technologies

A Brief Look at Emerging Technologies

There is some fear in the implementation of new technology. Not really knowing what to expect and how it will resonate with your current systems and staff can be nerve-racking for even the most hardened entrepreneur. Today, there are a few technologies that have emerged and are on the cusp of being integrated into more business settings. Today, we take a brief look at these technologies.

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Technology: Then and Now

Technology: Then and Now

Technology gives business owners opportunities to expand, and essentially has become the center of most business practices. Marketing, customer contact, all sorts of inter and intra communication methods now depend heavily on technology. Let’s take a look at what the past has brought, and what the future could bring us.

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